Calendula Seeds
Rich, orange-gold shades add beautiful color to beds, edgings and containers and combine nicely with blues and purples. Easy-to-grow and perfect for a children’s garden.
Calendula, Pacific Beauty Mix Organic
Organic pot marigolds excel as cut flowers.
Cottage garden favorites as cut flowers and featured in kitchen gardens for their edible flowers whose petals lend color to salads. This annual prefers cooler climates and the pot marigold’s blooms peak in spring to early summer but can last through the fall. The 2-3″ blooms, in shades of orange, cream to yellow garland 1-2 feet tall plants. Grow in full sun in well-drained soils. Attractive to beneficial insects. Certified Organic.
Calendula, Oktoberfest
Non-stop deep-orange blooms: great for cutting.
From early spring until the middle of summer, Oktoberfest blooms and blooms, supplying a steady stream of vase-ready full 2 ½” flowers in intense deep orange with a small dark eyes, atop long, sturdy stems. Keep cutting!
Calendula, Lemon Cream™
Perfect for containers, sunny borders and as cut flowers.
Deliciously lovely. The rounded 3″ blooms are cleverly fashioned from six layers of narrow strap petals. Leaves and petals are edible and excellent in salads.

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