Category Archives: Perennials
Baptisia Twilite Prairieblues

Baptisia, Twilight Prarieblues PP19011 Blanketed with hundreds of eye-catching, sense-drenching, purple-violet bicolor blooms. May through mid-June, this beauteous baptisia, bred at the Chicago Botanic Garden, is blanketed with hundreds of bicolor blooms. Eye-catching, sense-drenching purple-violet flowers with lemon-yellow center keels
King of Hearts Dicentra
Cortaderia Pink Pampas
Beacon Silver Lamium
Little Quick Fire Hydrangea
Midnight Prairieblues Baptisia
Dahlia Fordhook Garden Mix
Big Top Gold Heuchera
Helleborus Ballardiae Cinnamon Snow PPAF
Echinacea PowWow White
Black Sprite Centaurea
Bottle Rocket Ligularia
Graham Thomas Rose
Fama White Scabiosa
Carillo Red Penstemon
Abraham Darby Rose
Illumination Flame Digiplexis
Rosy Jane Gaura
Fire Spinner Delosperma

Delosperma, Fire Spinner PPAF South African variety features multi-colored flowers. South African variety produces a delirious spring-summer tapestry of multicolored flowers over spreading mats of apple-green evergreen foliage. Most prolific in spring, 2-4” variety’s vibrantly-hued flowers—with inner bands of purple-pink