Gazania, Daybreak Pink Shades
Add sizzle to the garden with this romantic color.
We’re blushing with pride over our pink Daybreak Gazania. If your garden is in need of a plant to add sensational color and minimal care, this is an annual for you! Gazania love the heat of summer and will amaze you with dazzling 3″ blooms, even in the driest of soils. Petals are kissed with two shades of romantic pink, and blooms close every night to reopen at daybreak. Silver-green leaves are deeply cut in a feather shape and feel like felt on their white undersides. Use as a summer groundcover or as a border or edging along walkways, drives or on slopes. Try them with small yellow marigolds, any vinca, Wave petunias or alyssum for a spectacular effect. You can sow directly in the garden after the chance of all frost or start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost for earlier bloom. Plants should be spaced 6-8″ apart in the garden. Plants ship in spring at proper planting time.
LifeCycle: Annual
Uses: Beds, Container
Sun: Full Sun
Height: 8-10 inches
Spread: 8-10 inches
Sowing Method: Indoor Sow
Bloom Duration: 8 weeks

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