Phlox Paniculata Kirchenfuerst

Hardy beauty won ‘best in show’ at the Royal Horticultural Society in Britain.
From July to October, this fast-growing variety unleashes large trusses of flowers on tall stems with narrow, toothed, mid-green leaves. Hardy beauty won “best in show” at the Royal Horticultural Society in Britain—and the Brits are renowned phlox-lovers. Delectable scent proves irresistible to well-brought-up butterflies and bees. Admirable in the mid-border nestled amid other deep-blue and purple majesties. Stems require staking support before flowering. Vigorous perennial does best in full sun or partial shade, and prefers its soil fertile and moist. Phlox crave nourishment, so don’t stint on compost mulch in early spring; 2-3” ought to do it. Snip away spent flowers to prevent reseeding.