Vegetable Seeds and Plants

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Category Archives: Fruits

Seascape Strawberry Plants

Seascape Everbearer Strawberry Plants Plump, juicy berries are incredibly sweet and flavorful, produced non-stop June through frost. This amazing everbearing strawberry has a compact habit – plants grow only 6-8 inches high – great for containers. You’ll enjoy luscious berries

Ft. Laramie Strawberry Plants

Ft. Laramie Everbearer Strawberry Plants Produces big crops of plump and juicy berries. Ft. Laramie produces many runners and is disease resistant. Reliable plants with especially sweet and fragrant berries to enjoy in jams, jelly or fresh off the vine.

Eversweet Everbearer Strawberry Plants

Fruits throughout Spring, Summer, and Fall, even when temperatures are over 90 degrees. This variety has outstanding flavor, and works well in hanging baskets. Good results across the United States. Plant both Everbearers and Junebearers to enjoy fresh strawberries all

Eclair Strawberry Plants

Eclair Junebearer Strawberry Plants This “short day” or “springbearing” variety has early season productivity of med-large, wedge shaped, extremely sweet berries, with medium firm flesh. The variety is resistant or very tolerant of garden soil diseases. With parent stock consisting

Cold Weather Strawberry Plants

Cold Weather Strawberry Collection – 30 root divisions Botanical Name: Fragaria Species Description: This collection puts together three of the most popular cold weather strawberries we offer. You will receive 10 plants each of the Allstar, Honeoye & Ft. Laramie

Coastal Strawberry Plants

Coastal Strawberry Collection – 30 root divisions Botanical Name: Fragaria Species Description: This collection puts together three of the most popular strawberries we offer. You will receive 10 plants each of the Sequoia, Ozark, Quinault for a total of 30

Chandler Strawberry Plants

Chandler Junebearer Strawberry Plants Produces lots of semi-early fruit. Medium to large in size and medium in firmness. Very nice, sweet dessert quality flavor. Performs well all over, especially in California and the south and east coasts. Great taste and

Sweet Charlie Strawberry Plants

Strawberry, Sweet Charlie; The standard for Florida and southern gardens. Exceptionally sweet berries are medium-sized, deep red and very flavorful. Plants are well-adapted to southern gardens, vigorous and highly productive. Plants are also lovely grown in containers and edible landscapes.

Alpine Yellow Wonder Strawberry Plants

Strawberry, Alpine Yellow Wonder; Small, yellow, flavorful alpine strawberry. Considered one of the best gourmet strawberries, Yellow Wonder has delightful aroma and fantastic flavor. Lacking the red color that attracts birds, fruits are spared, leaving more delicious harvests. Yellow Wonder

Alpine Alexandria Strawberry Plants

Strawberry, Alpine Alexandria; Vigorous, productive, everbearing plants. One of the better known heirloom alpine strawberries, Alexandria has thimble-sized, luscious, dark red berries. Top-rated for flavor, vigor and yield, these runnerless, everbearing plants produce more fruit when allowed ample space. Grow

Chandler Strawberry Plants

Strawberry, Chandler; Bred especially for California, the Carolinas and southern gardens. These early midseason June-bearing strawberries are a good choice for fresh pickings of homegrown, bright red, flavorful fruit. Firm, large and beautifully shaped, these berries are especially appealing in

Elan F1 Strawberry Plants

Strawberry, Elan F1; Attractive plants bear fruit from July to October. Elan’s shiny, biconical bright red berries are a lovely sight in the garden. Berries stay around the same size from July to October. Everbearing, vigorous plants are easy to

Tristan F1 Strawberry Plants

Strawberry, Tristan F1; Very ornamental for pot growing. An exceptional variety, with the unique combination of deep rose flowers and sweet, bright red berries. Compact, neat plants are everbearing with few to no…home garden. Zone: 5-8 Sun: Full Sun Height:

Pineberry Strawberry Plants

Strawberry, Pineberry; White berries speckled with red seeds are aromatic and taste like pineapple. An unusual, hard-to-find strawberry. Plants are vigorous and send out numerous runners. Berries are white, ornately speckled with red seeds, and are a bit bigger than

Purple Wonder Strawberry Plants

Strawberry, Purple Wonder ™; The first ever purple strawberry. A color and flavor breakthrough. Incredible purple fruits are extra sweet and delicious. June-bearing plants are tidy and attractive, with beautiful fully-lobed, bright green leaves. Expect bountiful fresh pickings in summer.

Mignonette Strawberry Plants

Strawberry, Mignonette; HEIRLOOM. Neat, bushy runnerless plants bear delicious red berries. Mignonette is a French type strawberry that has smaller berries and a distinct flavor and aroma. Excellent edging, border or container variety. Grow as an annual or perennial. GARDEN

Alpine White Soul Strawberry Plants

Strawberry, Alpine White Soul; Small, white, flavorful alpine strawberry. Vigorous, productive, everbearing plants. Like Yellow Wonder, White Soul does not suffer from the lack of typical strawberry red pigments. Birds leave fruits alone, and plants do not need protective netting.

Jewel Strawberry Plants

Strawberry, Jewel; Large, juicy strawberries have a superb flavor and textural quality. Jewel is an exceptional strawberry. It is widely adapted, hardy and consistently produces very good yields. The fruits are large, well shaped, easy to pick, have good texture

Bluejay Blueberry Plants

Blueberry, Bluejay; Medium to large blueberries with high sugar content. This native American variety ripens in July and yields heavily for weeks. Plant with at least two other blueberry varieties to ensure adequate cross-pollination. The 5-6′ tall bushes become a

Star Blueberry Plants

Blueberry, Star PP# 10,675; Southern Highbush fruiting early in the season. Large berries with pleasantly sweet flavor, Star can now compliment early season bounty in home gardens with early ripening. Developed by University of Florida, this variety blooms over very