Mexican Zinnia Seeds and Plants
Mexican zinnias are narrow-leaved zinnias remarkably resistant to disease, drought and heat. Plants have linear- to lance-shaped leaves and bear an abundance of daisylike 1 1/2″-wide flower heads in summer.
Zinnia, Jazzy Mix
Petite, sparkly flowers in the juiciest, prettiest colors.
A standout, even in the festive and colorful crowd of zinnias. The semi-double, 1½” daisies are densely arrayed with petals in the juiciest, prettiest hues: burgundy reds tipped yellow to carmine. Blooming summer into fall, the vase-friendly petite, sparkly flowers on slender stems come cloaked in clean, bright green leaves. Easily grown in humusy, moist, well-drained soil with full sun.
Zinnia, Old Mexico
Heirloom 1962 All-America Selections winner.
Old Mexico is a selection of Mexican zinnia (Zinnia haageana), a compact and disease resistant type of zinnia with amazing multi-colored double and semi-double flowers. It’s good for cutting and planting in the middle or front of flower beds. More compact than Chippendale, the plants are only 12-18″ tall but with similar flowers 2½” across in mahogany red and contrasting yellow or gold petal-tips.

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