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Corn Kandy Korn SE Hybrid

Outstanding for long, late harvest. Sugary Enhancer Hybrid (SE). The SE gene (sugary enhancer) means these varieties will stay sweet and tender for 10-14 days after reaching maturity. No need to isolate then from other sweet corn.

Corn King Kool Hybrid

Burpee Exclusive Sweet, early and delicious. This toothsome bicolor sweet corn jumps out of the ground a full week or more before other varieties! For cooler climes and high altitudes, King Kool’s seedlings handily survive mild frost, each stalk producing

Corn Maple Sugar Hybrid

Sweet maple candy flavor with sugar levels beyond belief! We knew from the first bite that we had a winner. This utterly unique yellow hybrid had us at “hello”. It boasts sugar levels truly beyond belief while retaining the full

Corn Golden Bantam Organic

This is the variety made yellow sweet corn popular. This variety made yellow sweet corn popular. When Burpee introduced it in 1902, people wanted only white corn, which signified refinement and quality. Golden Bantam was created by a skilled gardener

Corn Breeder’s Trio Collection

A bicolor, a white, and a sweet yellow! Burpee Exclusive A collection of tastes and colors—you get one packet each of:

Corn Sun & Stars Bicolor Hybrid

Burpee Exclusive Supersweet Hybrid Sh2 corns can be twice as sweet as others and stay sweet for days if chilled promptly. Sun & Stars comes with an extraordinary size and unusually strong color contrast between bright white and deep yellow

Corn Early Xtra-Sweet Hybrid

Supersweet Hybrid (Sh2) corns can be twice as sweet as others and stay sweet for days if chilled promptly. For best taste, isolate from non-Sh kinds to stop cross-pollination. An All-America Selections winner, Early Xtra-Sweet is 2 weeks earlier than

Corn Early And Often Hybrid

Just for home gardeners. Burpee Exclusive Sugary Enhancer Hybrid (SE). The SE gene (sugary enhancer) means these varieties will stay sweet and tender for 10-14 days after reaching maturity. No need to isolate from other sweet corn. Have fresh, off-the-stalk

Corn Ambrosia Hybrid

Plump and sweet. Perfect for summer picnics. Ambrosia isn’t just a name, it’s the perfect description for this white and yellow checkered sugar-enhanced sweet corn. The 8″ long ears on 6 1/2′ tall plants are plump, sweet and ready for

Corn Northern Xtra-Sweet Hybrid

Early yellow sweet corn with 9″ ears No other early yellow corn combines a large 9″ ear and great cool-soil vigor with Sh2 sweetness. Plant corn in blocks at least four rows wide for cross-pollination and well-filled ears. Plants grow

Corn Chubby Checkers Hybrid

Burpee Exclusive Home gardeners should love this bicolor corn since it was bred specifically for them. It has an extended harvest time, a great sugar-enhanced taste and it doesn’t need to be isolated from other sweet corn varieties. It’s as

Corn Golden Bantam

HEIRLOOM. This variety made yellow sweet corn popular. Orig. 1902 This variety made yellow sweet corn popular. When Burpee introduced it in 1902, people only wanted white corn white signified refinement and quality. It was created by a skilled gardener

Corn Silver Queen Hybrid

Customer Favorite! Silver Queen is the popular late-season variety with tenderness and flavor worth waiting for. Large ears, 8 to 9″ long, have 14-16 rows of white kernels, and plants grow to 8 ft. Proven tops for productivity, flavor and

Corn Breeders Choice Hybrid

Burpee Exclusive Customer Favorite! Sugary Enhancer Hybrid (SE). The SE gene (sugary enhancer) means these varieties will stay sweet and tender for 10-14 days after reaching maturity. No need to isolate from other sweet corn. It’s our research director’s favorite

Corn Ruby Queen Hybrid

Burpee Exclusive Customer Favorite! Hybrid SE Sweet Corn. Ruby Queen is an amazing new sweet corn with an amazing corn color—it’s really red! You won’t believe how appetizing a red corn can be until you see it on your plate,

Corn Silver Choice Hybrid

Burpee Exclusive Customer Favorite! Sugary Enhancer Hybrid (SE). The SE gene (sugary enhancer) means these varieties will stay sweet and tender for 10-14 days after reaching maturity. No need to isolate from other sweet corn. Ready to harvest in just

Corn Illini Xtra Sweet Hybrid

Four times as sweet as standard hybrids. Customer Favorite! Garden-fresh sweet corn is summer’s greatest pleasure. Supersweet Hybrid Sh2 corn can be twice as sweet as others. Enjoy the 8″ ears of corn 48 hours after picking, and they are

Corn Peaches & Cream Hybrid

Two colors and two flavors Peaches & Cream actually gives two different sweet flavors in every bite. It matures early in the season, grows to 6 ft. tall and has 8 ½” long ears. The pretty bicolor kernels are borne

Corn Amaize Hybrid

Burpee Exclusive Beauteous white super sweet variety is full of crunch and rich flavor. Amaize is asked for by name at grocery stores around the country because of its unrivaled flavor. Now it’s available to grow in your backyard as

Corn Sweetness Hybrid

Lend me your ears! A summer without the taste of sweet corn, is a summer ill-spent. Sweet to the last kernel, this hybrid sweetheart raises the bar for corn-loving sweetness, leading the harvest for flavor and earliness. Delectable, picture-perfect bicolor