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Lavender Stoechas Silver Anouk

Wake up that sleepy border. This Spanish (also called French or butterfly) lavender creates a scene with large violet 6″ flowers and fragrant, bright silvery-green foliage on the compact, upright, evergreen shrub. The showy heads are arranged in vertical stripes

Lobularia Bicolor Pink Stream

Fast-growing, delightfully fragrant blooms from May to October. We’re smitten with this stunning pink variety of sweet alyssum. Fragrant, floriferous ‘Pink Stream’ always attracts attention, in a basket, container or flowerbeds, both in part shade and sun. Blooming from May

Lacy Frills Lavender

The first white lavender from seed and the most cold tolerant. A sensational breakthrough, Lacy Frills is the first white lavender from seed and the most cold tolerant of them all. You’ll love the clean white spires, loaded with florets

Grosso Lavender

The lavender of choice for potpourri and sachets Most fragrant, most lovely, the lavender of lavenders. Mounded, shrubby cultivar grows to 2-3’-tall, arrayed with alluring silver-green foliage and super-fragrant, extra-large, extra-tall 24”spikes clustered with deep-purple flowers. The lavender of choice

Lady Lavender

All-America Selections winner. Lady flowers the first year from seed, so this beautiful Burpee bred herb will grow as an annual north of Zone 5. With its compact habit, outstanding flowers and fragrance, it’s excellent for edging, low hedges and

Super Blue Lavender

Lavender, SuperBlue PPAF Extra hardy rich blue lavender. Tolerates heat and humidity. Lavender seduces the senses with lyrical color and caressing fragrance. Meet the most colorful new Lavandula angustifolia, its short spikes packed with aromatic, deep blue florets. Blooming June

Platinum Blonde Lavender

Stunning and fragrant soft-blue flowers. The latest in lavender, a masterpiece in mauve. Stunning new beauty with remarkably fragrant soft-blue 22”-24” flowers. Engaging gray-green leaves are edged with wide, creamy yellow margins. ‘Platinum Blonde’ casts a glowy, showy spell—even at

Hydrangea Macrophylla Taube

An old, uncommon variety, that still commands attention. The very large heads, in cobalt blue or rich pink, are dramatically displayed flat, atop upright, sturdy stems. The leaves make beautiful backdrops, very broad, clean and bright green. One full-grown, statuesque

CitiLine Paris Hydrangea

Hydrangea Macrophylla, CitiLine Paris Strong plants and long lasting blooms. Petit and oh so sweet! Mophead flowers emerge green and red and mature to deep pink over rich glossy green, mildew resistant foliage on well branched, compact plants that never

Jogasaki Hydrangea

Very elegant and unusual, this Japanese hydrangea can make a gardener swoon. This double lacecap can be mesmerizing. Small fertile discs of pinkish white are surrounded by quite large and double, silvery pink sterile florets that spill forth in a

Double Delights Perfection Hydrangea

Hydrangea, Double Delights ™ Perfection PPAF Compact, mounded habit that fits small gardens and containers. This reblooming mophead hydrangea has extra sturdy stems that hold dense, full double blooms upright. Pink or purple-blue clusters are packed with delicate star-shaped florets.

Bombshell Hydrangea

Hydrangea, Bombshell PP21008 Short but extremely prolific with hundreds of blooms in sun or shade. Use in containers and small borders. Bombshell’s name reflects the way the dwarf bush explodes from summer to fall, with more flowers per plant than

Everlasting Amethyst Hydrangea

Hydrangea, Everlasting ™ Amethyst PP22261 Blooms change colors like a chameleon. This stately hydrangea goes on a psychedelic, kaleidoscopic journey into color. The compact 4 x 3′ bushy shrub springs forth with long-lasting blooms that change colors like chameleons, offering

Hydrangea Serrata, Tiny Tuff Stuff PPAF

Perfect for even the smallest city or townhouse garden, patio containers, the mixed border or massed. These plants are diminutive, no more than 18-24” tall and wide, perfect for even the smallest city or townhouse garden, patio containers, the mixed

First Frost Hosta

2010 Hosta of the Year Lavender flowers, intense blue-green leaves are bordered in bright gold. Holds well in the garden right up to first frost.

Dancing Stars Hosta

Incredible thick leaves that holds the crisp colors better than any similar types. A Burpee Exclusive of a hosta that thrives in the shady garden with incredible thick leaves that holds the crisp colors of the white center with dark

Chaters Pink Hollyhock

Ruffly, double flowers, 3½” across. Hollyhock is the backbone of the old-fashioned cottage garden, with its stately spires of large, delicate, wide open, round flowers. Chaters Pink is extremely tough and drought tolerant and blooms second year after sowing in

Cranberry Crush Hibiscus

Hibiscus, Cranberry Crush PPAF Enchanting flowers of glowing crimson. There is enchantment here in the bountiful wine-dark 7-8″ flowers bursting from the deep green foliage. The huge, flaring blooms put on a lasting show in the border and continue from

Summer Storm Hibiscus

Hibiscus, Summer Storm PPAF Huge, visually seductive flowers from mid-summer into fall. Summer Storm’s huge pink 8-10″ flowers seduce the eye with their color, refined details and luscious, dark wine-purple foliage. The outsized flowers, with delicate rose veins radiating from

Honeymoon Light Rose Hibiscus

Hibiscus, Honeymoon Light Rose F1 A colorful feast of eye-popping, show-stopping, supersized rose-pink flowers. Bushy, well-branched 24-36” plants produce a flurry of 6-8” dinner-sized, five-petalled blooms. ‘Honeymoon Light Rose’ dazzles in a large container; produces year after year of majestic,