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Kurume Corona Celosia Seeds

Celosia, Kurume Corona Old-fashioned charm: enchanting form and color. Customer Favorite! This large, healthy celosia turns heads with tall, thick-stemmed plants topped with full, tight blooms. Look closer and see just how unique they are—swirls and spots of golden yellow

Fresh Look Red Celosia Seeds

Celosia, Fresh Look Red Excellent cut flower—fresh or dried. 2004 All-America Gold Medal winner. A breeding breakthrough. Day after day, dense and brilliant rose-red plumes appear everlasting on tight bushy plants. Excellent displays through heat, humidity, rain and drought. Perfect

Red Velvet Celosia Seeds

Celosia, Red Velvet Big, velvety crimson heads. Customer Favorite! Developed to thrive in hot, dry conditions with big, cockscomb flowers, velvety crimson heads 10″ across, 6″ deep. Great fresh-cut or dried. Grows best in full sun. LifeCycle: Annual Uses: Beds,

Chinatown Celosia Seeds

Celosia, Chinatown Neon-bright, redder than red plumes: a summer-long astonishment of color. Brilliant, neon-bright, redder than red plumes present a summer-long astonishment of color. Fiery plumes with feathery spikes on red stems float above attractive dark, deep-purple leaves. Fleuroselect-winning variety’s

Arrabona Red Celosia Seeds

Celosia, Arrabona Red Stunning red-orange plumes with feathery spikes: a continuous show of sensuous color. An electrifying new color in the lovely land of celosia plumosa. ‘Arrabona Red’s stunning red-orange plumes with feathery spikes create a continuous show of sensuous

Celosia Seeds

Celosia Seeds Whether gracefully feathered or exotically coral-shaped, celosia provides tremendous drama to the garden. Continuously blooms in any soil or weather, and vibrant colored blooms can be displayed fresh or dried. is pleased to provide quality Celosia Seeds

Canna, South Pacific Scarlet

Canna, South Pacific Scarlet Stunning red-orange plumes with feathery spikes: a continuous show of sensuous color. One gorgeous breakthrough: the first-ever, high-quality canna you can grow from seed. Sun-loving tropical beauty infuses the border with large, ravishing red-orange-scarlet blooms and

Lemon Cream Calendula Seeds

Calendula, Lemon Cream™ Perfect for containers, sunny borders and as cut flowers. Burpee Exclusive Deliciously lovely. The rounded 3″ blooms are cleverly fashioned from six layers of narrow strap petals. Leaves and petals are edible and excellent in salads. LifeCycle:

Oktoberfest Calendula Seeds

Calendula, Oktoberfest Non-stop deep-orange blooms: great for cutting. From early spring until the middle of summer, Oktoberfest blooms and blooms, supplying a steady stream of vase-ready full 2 ½” flowers in intense deep orange with a small dark eyes, atop

Pacific Beauty Mix Organic Calendula Seeds

Calendula, Pacific Beauty Mix Organic Organic pot marigolds excel as cut flowers. Cottage garden favorites as cut flowers and featured in kitchen gardens for their edible flowers whose petals lend color to salads. This annual prefers cooler climates and the

Calendula Seeds

Calendula Seeds Rich, orange-gold shades add beautiful color to beds, edgings and containers and combine nicely with blues and purples. Easy-to-grow and perfect for a children’s garden. Calendula, Pacific Beauty Mix Organic Organic pot marigolds excel as cut flowers. Cottage

Passion Mix Blue Eyed Daisy Seeds

Blue Eyed Daisy, Passion Mix The first blue-eyed daisy that’s quick-blooming and easy to grow from seed! All-America Selections winner. Gorgeous 2½” daisies in white, pink, rose and purple have dark blue eyes that are dusted with gold. Excellent in

Blue Eyed Daisy Seeds

Blue Eyed Daisies Seeds Stunning dark purple-blue centers on 2-3″ flowers make this unique daisy a striking addition to garden beds and tubs. Blue Eyed Daisy, Passion Mix The first blue-eyed daisy that’s quick-blooming and easy to grow from seed!

Pixie Bells Bells of Ireland Seeds

Bells Of Ireland, Pixie Bells A sturdy, luminous beauty for the border. Our selection of the heirloom favorite Moluccella laevis is as lovely as ever—only shorter. The plants have multiple stem that are strong and don’t fall over after rain.

Moluccella Laevis Bells of Ireland Seeds

Bells Of Ireland, Moluccella Laevis Excellent flowers for arrangements, fresh or cuts or dried. HEIRLOOM. An attention-getter in the border. Stems are arrayed with spectacular green bell-shaped bracts that are straw- colored when dried. Grows best in full sun to

Bells of Ireland Seeds

Bells of Ireland Seeds This cool-weather annual is grown for its showy, cup-shaped papery green calyxes more than for its tiny, fragrant white flowers. Plants reach 2-3′ and bloom in late summer. Excellent cut or dried flowers. Bells Of Ireland,

Begonia, Dragon Wing Hybrid

Begonia, Dragon Wing Hybrid Gleaming, green wing-shaped leaves, great in pots or hanging baskets. Customer Favorite! Begonias are one of the few plants that bloom under almost any light conditions, but they do best in light shade. Flowers are 1½”,

Balsam Seeds

Balsam Seeds An old-fashioned annual that produces single or double flowers in the leaf axils along the main stem of the plant from summer to early fall. Balsam, Mix A favorite old-fashioned flower by 1900. HEIRLOOM. While today’s impatiens, a

Baby’s Breath Seeds

Baby’s Breath, Covent Garden White Masses of pure white single flowers. Showy plants with pure white flowers that are borne in abundance in early summer. Multi-branched, long-stemmed plants are invaluable in the cut flower garden. Covent Garden White is dainty

Salmon Red Aster Seeds

Aster, Salmon Red Tall, long-stemmed plants produce stunning red and salmon blooms. Fireworks in the garden. Large, bright, golden-disked blooms, in red to salmon, set off pyrotechnic bursts of joyous color. Loaded with vintage charm, the tall, long-stemmed flowers work