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Beni Hydrangea Plants

Hydrangea, Beni : The very best lacecap hydrangea for part sun to full shade. Shrubs turn deep bronzy red in the fall, with foliage keeping dense and neat. Dainty lacecaps start out white, then turn pink-tinged, then darken to red,

Scabiosa Butterfly Blue Plants

Scabiosa, Butterfly Blue : 2000 Perennial Plant of the Year. Customer Favorite! Scabiosa columbaria Butterfly Blue produces a bounty of 2″ pincushion-type flowers that attract butterflies and are insect and disease resistant. Blooms from May to frost. Ideal for edging,

Viburnum Brandywine Plants

Viburnum, Brandywine PPAF : A choice shrub for nonstop color. Glossy green leaves turn wine-red in autumn. Clusters of pretty white flowers in spring, form an eye-catching mix of pink and powder blue fruits in the fall. With bright ornamental

Hellebore Warbler Plants

Hellebore, Warbler : Dwarf plants bloom in late spring. Much different from our other clones, this very early bloomer is more a winter than a Lenten rose. Plants are dwarf, ground-hugging with exceptionally glossy foliage. Clean, rich green, nicely lobed

Delphinium Fordhook Cottage Garden Mix Plants

Delphinium, Fordhook Cottage Garden Mix : Elegant selection with strong stems and vivid flowers. Our own blend of white, sky and deep purple-blue delphiniums. Tall, sturdy, floriferous plants topped with sturdy spikes make music in the cottage garden. We find

Hellebore Double Fantasy Plants

Hellebore, Double Fantasy : Plant Double Fantasy with Kingston Cardinal for a dramatic fool-proof combination. This delectable niger variety has pure white semi-double blooms embossed with yellow stamens. A profusely flowering clone, it is early to flower and perfect for

Mt. Hood Hops Plants

Hops, Mt. Hood : Vines carry fragrant green flowers used for flavoring beer. Mt. Hood is a disease resistant, high-yielding hop variety. Vines are easy to grow and make a wonderful privacy screen in summer. Provide them with strong supports

Eragrostis Purple Love Grass

Eragrostis, Purple Love Grass : Stunning and unique pink “cloud-like” effect. Customer Favorite! The flower spikes of this native grass come to life by creating a pink “cloud-like” effect on the planting area while in bloom. Easy to grow and

Foxglove Rose Shades Plants

Foxglove, Rose Shades : Blooms like crazy—needs no care at all! Dramatic minarets of pale to deep pink appear suddenly in the late spring garden. They bloom so heavily and need so little care, no garden should be without them.

Pinky-Winky Hydrangea Plants

Hydrangea, Pinky-Winky PP16166 : Easy to grow, a work-horse plant in the garden. Gives a lively show even in full sun. This is the pinkest cultivar of panicle hydrangea you can find. The proliferation of large dense pyramids of white

Echinacea Hot Papaya Plants

Echinacea, Hot Papaya PP21022 : A notable new coneflower with hot orange blooms. Just the right tone to add to a sizzling full sun summer garden. A breeding breakthrough, Hot Papaya is the first double orange. The vibrant orange tones

Hydrangea Nikko Blue Plants

Hydrangea, Nikko Blue : Classic blue. 6″ mop head-type flowers bloom in July-August. Azure blue color is deeper in acid soils; in alkaline soils, flowers are pink. Shrubs add substance to perennial beds and are ideal companions for large trees.

Hydrangea Paniculata Unique Plants

Hydrangea, Paniculata Unique : Fast grower with nice 8-inch flower heads. A fast grower that can easily take over much space, in full sun or part shade. This Panicle hydrangea has 8-inch long flower heads that taper roundly towards the

Helleborus Stained Glass Plants

Helleborus, Stained Glass : Full double blooms in rose and purple. Enchanting full double blooms with unusual rose-purple veins and picotees. Chameleon-like blooms transition over the season, turning from deep purplish rose to blush with deep purple-rose edges. With uncommon

Garden Mum Mammoth Daisy Quill Yellow Plants

Garden Mum, Mammoth Daisy Quill Yellow ซ Very hardy and dense-mounded—no need to prune or deadhead. Yellow daisies blend with sedums and catmints. Bright yellow quilled daisies with unusual spoon-shaped ray florets. Mammoth™ Daisies are exceptional garden mums, developed by

Geranium Crystal Rose Plants

Geranium, Crystal Rose : A sumptuous, long-lasting floral carpet in borders and rock gardens. Crystal Rose is a densely growing geranium with dark green divided foliage and deep-pink flowers on short stems held close to the foliage. Its dense, low

Sorbaria Sem Plants

Sorbaria, Sem : This small shrub delivers a fabulous show in spring. Fern-like leaves are beautifully tinged yellow to pinkish red when young. Deeper pink stems are great backdrops. Durable and cold-hardy, plants carry on, with large sprays of creamy

Hellebore Painted Bunting Plants

Hellebore, Painted Bunting : Brings beautiful lightness to the spring shade garden. Grow ‘Painted Bunting’ for its brightening effect in the shade garden. Single blooms are blush white, with full brushstrokes of burgundy, outlining veins and edges. Slightly upturned blooms

Hydrangea Kiyosumi Plants

Hydrangea, Kiyosumi : Beautiful burgundy foliage makes this hydrangea one of the most precious. The new growth of Kiyosumi is a rich burgundy throughout the season. By midsummer, from ruby red buds develop discs of pink, fertile flowers that are

Athyrium Ghost Plants

Athyrium, Ghost : Glowing fronds are a standout in shady areas. A much-prized fern for drifts in shady gardens. Fronds, with their metallic silver sheen, seem to glow, with maroon midribs adding accents in the shade. Upright clumps spread slowly