The Garden Tower 2

Grows 50 plants vertically with integrated composting!
The Garden Tower grows plants vertically, enabling you to grow 50 plants in a very small space — the ultimate square foot garden with integrated composting! Most container gardens only allow planting on the top. The Garden Tower has 45 openings around the outside and space for up to 5 taller plants on top, resulting in an impressively bountiful harvest. Along with the top, side planting pockets are large enough to accommodate compact root vegetables such as turnips, carrots, and radishes. How it works: The long tube running down the center of the vertical garden tower is a vermicomposting system. Half a cup of worms is added to the tower soil at the beginning of the growing season. Kitchen vegetable scraps are then added regularly to keep the vertical compost tube full. The worms turn your kitchen scraps into organic fertilizer that feed your plants. The Garden Tower recycles nutrients, saves water and creates compost!Measures: 25″ wide by 44″ tall.