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Pepper Hot Tabasco

Small, very hot peppers that lend the kick to the famous hot sauce. Originally from Mexico—and taking its name from a Mexican state—this small, very hot pepper’s a favorite in the South and East, where the plants can grow tall

Pepper Sweet Corno di Toro

Multi-talented Italian heirloom: delicious raw, fried, stuffed or grilled. The name of this Italian heirloom translates as “horn of the bull”, a tribute to the peppers’ full, tapered shape. Ripening to a bright red, the fruits—8-10″ long and 2½-3′ wide

Pepper Sweet Chinese Giant

HEIRLOOM. Burpee introduced. Sweet Chinese Giant was twice as big as the largest bell pepper of its day. Plants are a compact 24″ tall. Fruits are usually 4 by 4″, but Mr. Burpee pointed out that if you thin the

Pepper Hot Pepperoncini

Delicious peppers perfect for pickling. If you are a pickled pepper person, this Italian pepper is for you. Expect gratifyingly large crops of 5-6″ long thin, slightly wrinkled peppers. At first, the peppers are a pleasing light green, and as

Pepper Sweet Pinot Noir

Fruits blush to shades of citrus, berry and cherry red. Burpee Exclusive Customer Favorite! Like its namesake, this attractive 5″ long sweet bell pepper shows a tremendously broad range of impressions. Light green when young, the large blocky fruits blush

Pepper Hot Hot Daddy Hybrid

Hot Daddy is the new, hotter version of lovably Sweet Big Daddy. Turn up the heat just a bit. Big Daddy is lovably sweet and Hot Daddy is its new, hotter version. Once mature, the 12″ long fruits transition from

Pepper Hot Zavory

The first ever habanero with mild heat! Burpee Exclusive Customer Favorite! An exciting breakthrough sure to become the conversation piece of your summer garden. Habanero peppers have a distinctive taste but are the very hottest chili peppers in the world

Pepper Sweet Red Delicious Hybrid

Sweet peppers with unique delicious apple taste. Burpee Exclusive Customer Favorite! Very tasty sweet bell, more delicious than any other we’ve grown. Even when green, the flavor’s sweet and mild. Once fully ripe, Red Delicious’ unique apple taste is worth

Hot Pepper Sweet Thing

Sweet cayenne peppers without the heat. Rich, smoky flavor. Burpee Exclusive Love peppers but can’t take the heat? Prolific 30″ tall plants produce loads of sweet, cayenne-shaped, 10-12″ peppers with a slightly smoky note. Perfect for recipes requiring thin-walled grilling

Pepper Hot Mariachi Hybrid

Big on color and flavor but small on heat! Customer Favorite! 2006 All-America Selections winner. It’s the perfect pepper when you want a blast of color but just a hint of heat. The compact 18-24″ plants yield loads of 4″,

Pepper Sweet Golden Baby Belle

Bright yellow, tasty mini bell peppers. Burpee Exclusive Hors d’oeuvres? Instant snack? Or the prettiest little pepper you’ll ever see? We can’t get enough of these crisp, sweet cuties. Bright yellow, tasty mini bell peppers grow in pretty bunches on

Pepper Hot Cheyenne Hybrid

Cayenne-type peppers balance sweetness and heat. Sugar and spice! Compact, 3′ tall plants variety produce oodles of fruit that ripens green to red and is excellent fresh or cooked. This early ripening hybrid is great for containers and in the

Pepper Sweet Cherry Stuffer Hybrid

Compact plants produce loads of stuffable, grillable peppers. Burpee Exclusive We’ve taken the beloved Cherry Bomb pepper, dialed down the heat and turned up the sweet. Cherry Stuffer produces bushels of 2″ delectable, snackable, stuffable, grillable peppers.

Pepper Sweet Tweety Hybrid

1-2″ yellow peppers are great for stuffing or snacking! Burpee Exclusive A tasty, golden-yellow mate of our beloved Cherry Stuffer. Prolific plants offer up a bounty of stuffable, grillable, flavorful, bright-yellow fruits. Fruits early to mature.

Pepper Sweet Tangerine Dream

The look is hot but the flavor is not! Burpee Exclusive Yes, it’s a gorgeous little bush studded all over with shiny red-orange rockets—too pretty to hide away among rows of vegetables. But it’s very tasty too, with a hint

Pepper Hot Lemon

HEIRLOOM. From Ecuador, as hot as any Cayenne, but with a truly unique flavor. Burpee Exclusive Customer Favorite! This pepper from the markets of Ecuador ripens to a pure lemon yellow in about 80 days, but it is delightfully flavorful

Pepper Sweet Costa Rican Sweet

Unique fruity sweetness, more flavor than any bell pepper. A sure winner from our breeding in Central America, where peppers are plentiful and varied, Costa Rican sweet is a gem. A truly tasty pepper, it’s a large Marconi type but

Pepper Sweet Cabernet Hybrid

Deliciously sweet peppers with extra fruity flavor. Sweet! Lamuyo-type pepper’s thick-walled fruits are 8″ long x 6″ wide and ripen from green to red. Highly productive plants produce oodles of slightly elongated fruit. Easy-growing, low maintenance, resistant to tobacco mosaic

Pepper Sweet Good as Gold Hybrid

Extremely tasty, savory and robust. Very productive. Burpee Exclusive Good as gold. 2012 taste test champ scores big points for beauty, flavor and productivity. Green-to-golden orange 7″ Italian pepper is extremely tasty, savory and robust whether grilled, saut¿ed or fresh.

Pepper Sweet Golden Giant II Hybrid

Great taste, giant size. Sweet and juicy. Customer Favorite! This Burpee exclusive pepper has great taste and giant size. Sweet and juicy, the 7″ long, 5″ wide, bright yellow fruits have a wonderful shape and extra thick walls. A superior