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Undulata Albomarginata Hosta

Hosta Undulata albomarginata has green leaves edged in white. Blooming in July, good variety for potting. 22 inches tall. Specifications Bloom Time; Mid Summer Foliage Color; Green, White Height; 12-24″ Sun Requirements; Full to Partial Shade Type/Size; 2-3 eye Hardiness

Stained Glass Hosta

This very select hosta variety is one of the best of the modern modern hostas, revered for both its beauty and performance in the garden. Stained Glass has improved substance, greater sun tolerance, and resistance to pests. It is a

So Sweet Hosta

Stunning variegated foliage and sweetly fragrant blossoms. This double-treat hosta forms 14” high, 20” wide mounds of glossy green leaves with wide white margins. Plants bloom in late summer, opening abundant delightfully-scented lavender flowers on 24” scapes.

Sieboldiana Elegans Hosta

Hosta sieboldiana Elegans has extremely dark blue, heart-shaped foliage with stark white blooms in June. Nice color addition to the shady garden. Specifications Bloom Time; Early Summer Color; White Foliage Color; Blue Height; 12-24″ Sun Requirements; Full to Partial Shade

Shade Fanfare Hosta

The Hosta Shade Fanfare has light green leaves and wide creamy white margins. Lavender flowers in mid-summer. Specifications Bloom Time; Mid Summer Color; Purple Foliage Color; Green, White Height; 12-24″ Sun Requirements; Full to Partial Shade Type/Size; 2-3 eye Hardiness

Patriot Hosta

Patriot is one of the few hostas that can really take the heat. It’s a tough plant with relatively large leaves, and their white edges shine in the shade the shade. Specifications Bloom Time; Fall, Late Summer, Mid Summer Color;

Night Before Christmas Hosta

A sport of famous White Christmas, Hosta Night Before Christmas is a premium variety that improves upon its parent in a number of ways. Its leaves are thicker, margins are wider, their color is stronger, and each plant forms a

Medio Variegata Hosta

Mediovariegata is a medium sized Hosta with wavy oval leaves. The foliage is green with a white flame like streak running down the center. Up to 36″ tall with scapes. Specifications Bloom Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer Foliage Color; White,

Lancifolia Hosta

Strongly ribbed, medium green leaves add texture and a soft lushness to shaded locations in the garden all season. In late summer, sprays of bell-shaped, fragrant purple blossoms are an added treat. Tidy plants are 12” to 24” high and

Krossa Regal Hosta

Frosty blue-green foliage and upright habit make this hosta a distinctive standout. It makes a great addition to any mixed hosta planting, and its beauty is such that it can stand alone as a special accent. Leaves are large and

Hyacinthina Hosta

Deeply striated leaves of glossy grey-green stand out in the shade garden – plant it en masse for a beautiful carpet of easy-care color. Hosta Fortunei ‘Hyacinthina’ grows in casual mounds, reaching up to 2’ high and wide. Fragrant light

Halcyon Hosta

Tidy mounds of substantial blue-green foliage provide borders and containers with color and texture, performing well in shady spaces that are hard to fill. Hosta ‘Halcyon’ reaches just 2’ high and spreads up to 3’ wide, lush with distinctive heart-shaped

Guacamole Hosta

This excellent seiboldiana hosta boasts huge, nicely shaped avocado-green leaves edged in a darker green. The coloring suggests a halved avocado and thus inspires its name. Guacamole grows rapidly into a 3-foot wide and 2-foot wide plant with great foliage

Great Expectations Hosta

A sport of sieboldiana ‘Elegans’. Hosta Great Expectations isn’t a rapid grower but it is beautiful cultivar and more than worth your patience. it develops into a very attractive and well-formed plant with ovate leaves that have glossy green margins

Francis William Hosta

A favorite among many, the Francis William Hosta is beautiful with its deep blue green heart shaped foliage & yellow green margins. Specifications Bloom Time; Late Summer, Mid Summer Color; White Foliage Color; Blue, Green, Yellow Height; 12-24″ Sun Requirements;

Fortunei Aureomarginata Hosta

Hosta Aureo-marginata has dark green foliage with yellow leaf margins. Specifications Bloom Time; Mid Summer Color; Purple Foliage Color; Green, Yellow Height; 12-24″ Sun Requirements; Full Shade, Partial Shade Type/Size; 2-3 eye Hardiness Zone; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Fire & Ice Hosta

Hosta Fire & Ice. A medium-large hosta that grows to 20” tall. Lovely heart-shaped leaves are white with broad dark-green margins. Lavender flowers in late spring or early summer. A very distinctive variety and ideal for adding lush texture and

Cherry Berry Hosta

Hosta Cherry Berry. A delightful different hosta. Long, spear-shaped leaves are a lime green streaked with white. Its unusual leaf shape and two-toned foliage makes it a standout in a mixed hosta planting. Grow in deep shade. Plants grow to

Blue Mammoth Hosta

Hosta Blue Mammoth is one of the very best of the new generation hosta hybrids Its foliage has wonderful color and mature plants can spread as much as 5 feet across, making it the biggest of the blues. The leaves

Blue Angel Hosta

Gigantic glaucous leaves make this outstanding hosta an impressive sight throughout summer. Hosta ‘Blue Angel’ grows vigorously to 3’ high and spreads over 4’ wide to fill your beds and borders with exquisite, richly textured foliage in an intriguing blue-green