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Garden Mum Mammoth Daisy Lavender Plants

Garden Mum, Mammoth Daisy Lavender : Very hardy and dense-mounded—no need to prune or deadhead. Lavender daisies work well with sedums and asters. Blooms shade to deep rose lavender. Mammoth™ Daisies are exceptional garden mums, developed by the University of

Mammoth Daisy Bronze Garden Mum Plants

Garden Mum, Mammoth Daisy Bronze : Very hardy and dense-mounded—no need to prune or deadhead. Bronze red blooms extend autumn’s color spectrum. Russet reds match the colors of autumn. Mammoth™ Daisies are exceptional garden mums, developed by the University of

Echinacea Paradiso Mix Plants

Echinacea, Paradiso Mix : Stunning, long-blooming perennial. Customer Favorite! Our blend of the full spectrum of echinacea colors and bloom types brings divine color harmony to the garden. We’ve included several different species so that you get bursts of pink,

Dianthus Raspberry Surprise Plants

Dianthus Raspberry Surprise : A vintage beauty, enhanced by sturdier stalks. The fragrant pink 2″ double-flowers have burgundy-red eyes and alluring blue-green foliage. Excellent for rockeries, edgings and pots. LifeCycle: Perennial Zone: 4-8 Sun: Full Sun Height: 12 inches Spread:

Delphinium Fantasia Mixed Colors Plants

Delphinium, Fantasia Mixed Colors : Fantastic, upright delphinium that needs no staking. Customer Favorite! Burpee bred semidwarf plants produce 15″ main spikes with many smaller 10″ side branches. Colorful flower spikes of white, lavender and blue shades, all accented with

Bloomerang Dark Purple Lilac Plants

Lilac, Bloomerang Dark Purple PPAF : Fragrant blooms cover 4-6 ft shrubs. Exceptionally hardy. Densely flowering 4-6 ft. shrubs produce an explosion of fragrant deep lavender-purple flowers in spring, and a steady show of blooms right up till frost. Exceptionally

Quercifolia Snow Flake Hydrangea Plants

Hydrangea, Quercifolia Snow Flake PP3047 : This Oakleaf hydrangea is an amazing sight in bloom. The long clusters are densely layered, with full double flowers that open pure white, then turn pinkish with age. The sensational display keeps through the

Macrophylla Veitchii Hydrangea Plants

Hydrangea, Macrophylla Veitchii : Spectacular lacecap Hydrangea. In full bloom, this Hydrangea is spectacular. Plants appear layered with flat clusters in muted tones of white and blue. The showy lacecaps are large and white, forming a bright circle around the

Burgundy Candles Salvia Plants

Salvia, Burgundy Candles : Vigorous and taller than other nemorosa salvias. Spikes sparkle with burgundy buds and calyces framing rich blue open flowers. An amazing sight in the full sun. A good choice for the front border. Heat and drought

Lemon Queen Helianthus Plants

Helianthus, Lemon Queen : An old perennial sunflower with reliable performance. Tall clumps are topped with bright yellow sunflowers. We have this bold beauty planted in large clumps along our veranda and sun gardens at Fordhook Farm. Every new visitor

David’s Lavender Phlox Plants

Phlox, David’s Lavender : Brilliant color and vertical interest for the summer garden. Clear, deep lavender blossoms attract butterflies all summer. An excellent cut flower that is at home in both garden and container. LifeCycle: Perennial Zone: 4-9 Sun: Full

Jacob Cline Monarda Plants

Monarda, Jacob Cline : Intensely glowing red. Customer Favorite! Monarda didyma Jacob Cline beebalm is one of the easiest perennials to grow. They adapt to any soil and increase quickly. Hummingbirds love them. Use as a background for annuals. Intensely

Firewitch Dianthus Plants

Dianthus, Firewitch : 2006 Perennial Plant of the Year. Deep violet pink blooms emit the sweet fragrance of carnations, covering low-growing mounding plants all spring. Holds up well in cold, heat or humidity. LifeCycle: Perennial Zone: 3-8 Sun: Full Sun

Butterfly Weed Asclepias Plants

Asclepias, Butterfly Weed : Prolific bloomer from June to August. Customer Favorite! An excellent choice for its vividly orange blooms, these easy-to-grow, long blooming natives make lovely cut flowers and are magnets for butterflies, particularly Monarchs. Crown-shaped flowers form clusters

Heronswood Pink Stars Sedum Plants

Sedum, Heronswood Pink Stars : Collected in from Turkey, this is a neat, dense fast-growing ground cover. Ground-hugging carpets of small leaves are covered with dainty, rose pink star clusters. Plants thrive in well-drained soils in full sun. Use in

Raspberry Truffle Echinacea Plants

Echinacea, Raspberry Truffle PPAF ซ Exciting new double coneflower with unique shades of flowers. We’re knocked out by this flowerful new double coneflower. The densely petaled double 4-5″ flower heads have a unique shade: a tint nestled between soft red

Aronia Melanocarpa Plants

Aronia melanocarpa : Also known as Black Chokeberry, it is prized for its health benefits. This ravishing plant produces a show of elaborate white spring flowers, with masses of delectable and nutritious black fruit arriving in fall. A delicious addition

Phoebe Hellebore Plants

Hellebore, Phoebe : Double flowers bloom extremely early. This double-flowered hellebore opens like a rose, revealing deep rose-pink flecks that offer added interest. The bright pink, frilled flowers open from plump buds that hover over glossy clumps of foliage. Clean,

White Double Delight Echinacea Plants

Echinacea, White Double Delight : Stunning white petals. Incredible! Before you know it, this vigorous small (24″ tall) plant is completely covered with radiant white double 3″ flowers. This lovely new coneflower features a dense dome ringed with broad chaste

Diamonds Blue Delphinium Plants

Delphinium, Diamonds Blue : This is the truest, bluest delphinium you’ve ever seen. A deep blue sea of color in early spring. Planted en masse, the upward-facing flowers on 24″ spikes create a stunning presence in the garden or a