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Onion Candy Hybrid

Onions truly are the spice of life Extra sweet and so mild, cutting Candy leaves you less teary-eyed. Flat globes 3-4″ with tight, light yellow skin. Well adapted from northern Texas to the Maine, it’s a day neutral variety. 75

Bunching Onion Evergreen Long White

Long, slender, tasty stalks in clusters with spring green ends. Grow in full sun to partial shade. If planted in the fall, provide protection where winters are severe. Harvest young plants in 60 days or up to 120 days for

Onion Walla Walla Sweet

Big round onions with sweet, mild, juicy flesh. The best mild choice for the North. Famous for its mild flavor, this long-day sweet onion was a mainstay at our farm market. The only northern onion ever to match the famous

Onion Big Daddy

Spanish-type yellow onion. This flavor-rich Spanish-type yellow onion is a real keeper. A good-sized crop will provide you with a year’s worth of flavorful pleasure; they can be stored for up to 10 months. In addition to onion-loving chefs, Big

Onion Collection Sets

Add zest to your cooking with these onions. You’ll savor this collection of red, white and yellow onions as they enhance your entrees, soups, salads and sandwiches. Pull green tops as needed for scallions or allow bulbs to mature fully

Onion Texas Supersweet

So sweet you can eat it raw. How sweet it is. Supersweet lives up to its name. It’s so sweet you can eat it raw. The jumbo yellow-skin globes have sweet, piquant white flesh and plentifully produces onions as big

Onion Kappa Hybrid

Elongated, gold-skinned gourmet onions are shaped and sized right for slicing. Burgers! Onion rings! Salads! Sautés! Easy-growing, easy-peeling, easy slicing, easy to love. Elongated, gold-skinned gourmet onions are shaped and sized right for slicing. Prolific variety will grow with compact

Shallot Ambition Hybrid

Great variety for dry climates. High yielding and long storing. Shallots occupy an honored place in the chef’s repertoire: as a sweeter, more nuanced alternative to garlic. Fragrant, firm, globe-shaped 1½”-2” shallots—rust-toned skin,

Okra Red Velvet Organic

Unique scarlet-red pods. Beautiful red-stemmed plants, 4-5′ tall, produce distinctive scarlet-red pods. Tender, slightly ribbed pods are best when 3 to 6″ long. GARDEN HINTS: Soak seed in warm water overnight to speed germination. Pick pods young, while still tender.

Okra Perkins Mammoth Long Pod

Bountiful tasty pods ready to star in a gumbo or soup. Soup- and gumbo-ready, the extra-long, 7-9″ bright green pods keep their tenderness even when large. A favorite variety for slicing and freezing, the tall plant’s abundant pods can be

Okra Burgundy

Gorgeous, delicious and prolific heirloom that qualifies as an edible ornamental. When cooked, the leaves of this hibiscus relative turn a deep lovely shade of purple. Gorgeous 3-5′ ornamental plants produce high numbers of tender 6-8″ pods. There’s a pretty

Okra Clemson Spineless Organic

The most popular okra on the market. This 1939 All-America Selections winner is still the most popular variety on the market. The vigorous, 4-ft. high plants produce an abundance of dark green, grooved pods without spines. Best picked when 2.5

Okra Baby Bubba Hybrid

This dwarf variety is only half as tall as other okras and perfect for large containers. The plant is baby-sized, only half as tall as other okras and perfect for a large container. But it’s a bubba too, pumping out

Okra Chant Hybrid

The essential variety for the best gumbo. Other than delicious, okra’s flavor defies easy description. Okra fruits add heft to soups and stews—and are tasty fried or boiled. Growing from 2 to 6”, Okra is at its tastiest, tenderest best

Okra Clemson Spineless

The most popular okra on the market. This 1939 All-America Selections winner is still the most popular variety on the market. The vigorous, 4-ft. high plants produce an abundance of dark green, grooved pods without spines. Best picked when 2.5

Mustard Giant Red Organic

Organic, fast-maturing “greens” boasting beautiful, savoyed, dark red leaves with light green undersides. Giant Red Japanese mustards make bold, versatile ornamental edibles. Upright, large rosettes up to 18″ tall, are very colorful, with deep red purplish savoy leaves edged and

Mustard Tatsoi

Cold-hardy Asian variety you can harvest in the snow. Tatsoi, a long-time Asian staple, forms dense rosettes of mild mustardy-flavored leaves. Enjoy the leaves raw or stir-fried. Crunchy and flavorful, the midribs have a bright, celeryesque taste. Extremely cold-hardy, you

Mustard Mizuna

Bright green, serrated leaves of Japanese mustard add welcome pizzazz to gourmet salads This Japanese mustard, reputedly Indian in origin, has a mild, slightly peppery taste. The heirloom’s leaves add pizzazz to gourmet mixed-green salads, and are delicious saut‚ed or

Mustard Florida Broad Leaf

A southern favorite. One of the first greens in spring. A mild-flavored mustard producing large, broad, rich green leaves of appetizing pungency. Greens may be steamed, brazed or cooked in broth. Easily grown in the north.

Mustard Southern Giant Curled

All-America Selections winner for 1935 and long-time southern favorite with mild, mustardy flavor. With crumpled, frilled edges, the bright green leaves impart a mild, mustardy flavor. Served raw, the young leaves are tasty in salads—they’re also delicious lightly stir-fried or