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Pea Oregon Sugar Pod II

Produces a huge crop of snow peas with high percentage of two pods per cluster. As versatile as snap peas—pick snow peas flat and tender. Vigorous 28″ plants bear 4½” long pods. Resistant to pea virus, common wilt and powdery

Pea Snowbird

Very early, edible-podded, dwarf sugar pea. Very early, erect, dwarf plants 18″ tall produce amazing numbers of 3″ pods in groups of two to three. Ready to pick 58 days after seed is sown. CULINARY HINT! Eat entire pods; pick

Pea Super Sugar Snap

This incredible pea is even better than the famous Sugar Snap. We call these our “Renaissance peas” because of their virtuoso versatility. They’re delicious raw, steamed or stir-fried—and you eat them pod and all. The plant produces thick, full-size, ever

Pea Easy Peasy

A taste winner in our trials. Self-supporting plants. Here come the peas. Likely the top yielder in your spring garden, Easy Peasy is soon loaded with delicious, attractive and altogether pleasing peas. The taste test winner in our trials, plants

Pea Masterpiece

A triple treat sensation! Parsley-like tendrils, peas, and pod are all edible and delicious. Pea foliage is ready in a month’s time for a delicate pea-like flavor in an edible green. This pea is a people-pleaser on all counts. Marvel

Pea Little SnapPea Crunch

Sweet, crunchy peas on compact container-friendly plants. Conquer small spaces and cool temperatures in a snap! Or, we might add, a snack! Versatile new variety combines the best qualities of a snap pea—plump pods bursting with juicy sweetness, and refreshing

Potato Collection Fourth Of July

Three old-fashioned (and patriotic) favorites for great fresh-dug flavor Red Pontiac, Kennebec (white) and All-Blue have wonderful new-potato taste—boiled, fried or in salads. Harvesting these beauties is like an Easter Egg hunt—kids love to help! Grows best in full sun.

Potato Cal White

Cal White is a very nice all-purpose potato that produces high yields of very large longer potatoes. In our trials, Cal White is the most dependable variety, always producing a bountiful harvest of large, long potatoes. Moisture level is a

Sweet Potato Evangeline PP19710

Twice as sweet as any other sweet potato! Evangeline lives up to its reputation as the sweetest of the sweet potatoes. This classic orange root is tastier than Beauregard and twice as sweet. An uncommonly hardy variety that’s resistant to

Potato Fingerling Collection

Fingerling potatoes collection. Fingerlings are heritage potatoes with long, knobby finger-like shapes, much smaller than regular potatoes. Productive and easy to use in gourmet dishes, fingerlings are flavorful roasted, baked, broiled, grilled, boiled and used in salads, purees, soups and

Sweet Potato Bush Porto Rico

Copper-colored skin; moist, reddish orange flesh with delicious flavor. Bush-type Porto Rico produces good yields of medium-sized potatoes with tapered roots that are great for baking. The orange flesh has a delicious sweet flavor. An ideal variety for smaller gardens.

Sweet Potato Murasaki PP19955

Unique white-fleshed sweet potato with distinct nutty flavor. Murasaki, a purple-skinned Japanese sweet potato, is a summer standout with distinctive nutty flavor. The purple beauty’s soft white flesh is loaded with vitamin C and dietary fiber. Robust, Murasaki is resistant

Sweet Potato Bonita PP22719

The sweetest we’ve ever tasted. The sweeter sweet potato. With double the sucrose content of O’Henry, Bonita delivers unbeatable sweetness. Tan-skinned with a pink cast, Bonita’s bright white flesh with yellow tints is perfect for traditional potato dishes, and some

Sweet Potato Collection

24 plants, 12 each of Centennial and Georgia Jet. Sweet potatoes are so easy to grow and are packed with flavor. This collection features two of our favorite varieties. You get 24 plants, 12 each of

Potato Purple Majesty

Deep purple color and sweet, buttery flavor. Pick a peck of perfectly purple potatoes. These ever-so-delicious potatoes are purple through and through—with wine-dark skins and succulent purple flesh. The violet-toned, sweet, buttery spuds add pizzazz to potato salads and mixed

Sweet Potato Vardaman

Compact type. Deep orange flesh and gold skin. The best sweet potato in our taste test. This variety is named after the famous sweet potato growing town in Mississippi from which, some say, come the world’s finest sweet potato. Vardaman

Sweet Potato Centennial

America’s most popular sweet potato, good for short-season areas. America’s most popular sweet potato that grows well in short-season areas. Dig sweet, tender “baby bakers” in just 90-100 days from setting out plants; or allow them to mature before frost.

Sweet Potato Beauregard

Big and elongated, red-skinned tubers are extra-rich orange inside. Really plump, long tubers are very sweet and high-yielding. The red-skinned tubers are extra-rich orange inside. Matures in just 90 days

Sweet Potato Georgia Jet

Well-suited to the Northeast. Harvest a heavy crop of large tubers in just 90 days. A tasty red-skinned sweet potato with deep orange, moist flesh. Heavy crop of large tubers in just 90 days. Well-suited to the Northeast.

Potato Midnight Moon

A masterpiece of color, form and flavor. Burpee Exclusive. 70 days. The potentate of purple potatoes, attired in a gorgeous regal purple skin, and blessed with awesomely delicious, tender, moist, golden-yellow flesh. High moisture content makes these purple paragons perfect