Oregano Cleopatra Seed

All-America Selections award winner.
‘Cleopatra’ is a prized oregano, being an All-America Winner for 2015. What sets ‘Cleopatra’ apart from the Italian and Greek oreganos we all know so well, is the mild, spicy flavor tinged with a peppermint coolness, a perfectly tuned counterpoint to roasted veggies and savory meat dishes, evoking new dimensions in flavor and pleasure. Adds a welcome accent to Mediterranean dishes, soups and sauces: meat and fish dishes, roasted or grilled vegetables. Adds a new piquancy to spicy foods. ‘Cleopatra’ has a compact creeping habit and lovely silvery-gray foliage: a first-rate container plant, groundcover, or addition to the border. High yielding plant’s abundant leaves can be dried for year-round flavorful pleasure.